Hey everyone it has been a while, but today I get to leave school early and I'm going to hang out with a friend so yayy.

So yesterday i went home and fixed my bike. It was going really good and when I went to ride it and the chain snapped in half. So now my bike is even more broken grrrrrrr when will I get a brake.

Today I'm going to hang out with some friends after school. I'm also going to go home and fix my bike.

Today is the first day back to school after a long weekend. Today is going to be long and its going to suck.
Today I am walking home from school and I'm going to stop at a friends school to say hey. Also this weekend is a long weekend. We get a work at home day on Monday and for every Friday for the rest of the year.

Today I just really want to say live your life to the fullest. Its way to short and no one should have regret. Be happy to be here because you wont be here forever. You only live once now I don't mean go and do stupid stuff because you only die once to. Just make your life fun and happy and don't hate the world and every one in it. what I'm trying to say is in the pic check it out. just love your life live your life and one day you will see it was all worth it.

Nothing is going on today but do still leave me a comment on what to do for this blog.

All I'm really doing today is going home and texting a friend and I might play Xbox 360. But I have come to realize that my daily blog is really boring. So leave me a comment with something to talk about or ask me a question and I will wright about it. So let me know what you want from this blog or what you think this should be.

So Friday I went to the Mushroom Head concert. It was a lot of fun. There were a lot of Cleveland bands that played before Mushroom Head. I was in the front right by the stage. After the show my friends and I saw the bassist and we all got a pick with him.